HomeFaithIs The World Programming Your Mind Away From God?

Is The World Programming Your Mind Away From God?

Everyday we are bombarded with streams of information and contents everywhere we turn to. From our televisions, radio, social media, phone applications and even home appliances, we are either being fed one form of information from the news media or getting content directed towards us from an app or online platform.

When we take in these via music, television, social media and more, we need to be aware that they are presenting to us their opinions, values, mindset, beliefs and culture. The world system doesn’t know God and is against God, so they push their values, deception, culture into the minds of the world by shaping the contents that people consume.
“And be not conformed to this world…”
Social media, the movies, music, in our world today are full of contents that promote immorality, sex, violence, homosexuality, theft and so much more. Check out your movie app and see what is being suggested to you. These days Witchcraft are given good narratives for us to accept and movies can’t be without homosexuality represented. It’s getting worse every day. As Christians, we have to be careful what we watch and listen to, these tools are intended by the devil to twist (conform) the minds of the world. Satan wants you to start accepting the ways of the world and gradually sway from God and his will for our lives.

“…but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, ..”
The Bible talks about this, instructing us to renew our mind. How do we do renew our mind? it is with the word of God. Studying God’s word and letting it shape our minds results in us knowing what God wants for our lives and how His word says we should live. We won’t know God’s good, acceptable and perfect will for us if we don’t give God’s word permission to shape our thoughts by studying and meditation.

Be mindful of what you let in your mind, be vigilant and let God’s word renew your mind that you may be transformed and know his will.

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” – Romans 12:2

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