HomeChristian prayersPowerful Prayers for The Nation and Turning to God

Powerful Prayers for The Nation and Turning to God

Powerful Prayers for Nation: Nation is in distress. Pandemics, racial disparities, job loss, and political division have all resulted in significant suffering. We have been called to be salt and light on the planet. Through prayer and action, we as Christians can begin to heal our land. Let us come together not just through words, but through works of faith. God’s love and grace can begin to turn the tide in Nation.

Lord, we look to You and only You. Assist us in making sound decisions that will move our country forward. Help us to do our part by praying and sticking to what we know is right according to Your Word’s truth. Teach us to make our actions and words count, and to align them with Your sense of rightness, not ours. Guide us with Your eye, grip us with Your strong arm, and teach us what we need to know to make our lives – and the lives of our country – count for you.

10 Powerful Prayers for Nation

  1. A Prayer For Our Country
    Lord God and Heavenly King, You alone are the Lord of the Earth and the King of the Universe, and You alone can resurrect and restore the United States of Nation and return us to Your Sovereign rule. Give our President, his advisors, and the entire administration the wisdom and grace to turn from the ungodly path they are on, and may they lead this nation back to the path of faith in God.

Motivate all of our congressmen to strive for integrity and wisdom in all of their choices and decisions, and may those entrusted as judges and legislators act in righteousness, impartiality, and integrity as they work for the benefit of all people and the honor of Your holy name.

We place our nation at your feet, Heavenly King, and pray that we may once again serve You as a nation. May Your will be done in the Nation, the world’s once-greatest nation. Amen.

  1. God, We Need You
    Lord, we look to You and only You. Assist us in making sound decisions that will move our country forward. Help us to do our part by praying and sticking to what we know is right according to Your Word’s truth. Teach us to make our actions and words count, and to align them with Your sense of rightness, not ours. Guide us with Your eye, grip us with Your strong arm, and teach us what we need to know to make our lives – and the lives of our country – count for you.

God, help us to desire righteousness over rights and sacrifice over selfishness as a nation. You are well acquainted with us and are aware of our flaws. Make those flaws into strengths; shower us with Your grace and mercy, even though none of us deserve it. Fill us with the courage to choose the kind of liberty that benefits everyone rather than just a few. Open our eyes to see others as You do—as having divine potential and worth. But also help us to recognize our own pride in elevating ourselves and others above You and Your plan for our lives.

  1. Prayer For Nation As A Nation Who Has Lost Its Way
    Loving Lord, I come to You to lay the once-great Nation at Your feet, knowing that our great country and its constitution were designed for a moral and religious people and are wholly inadequate for any other form of government, and yet we have strayed so far from the principles and practices of our great forefathers, who based our constitution on Your Word.

But, Lord, despite the fact that this was once the land of the brave and the home of the free, there is so much wrong with our country that I fear for its future. Lord, by the way, we have conducted ourselves in recent years, we have walked away from You and discredited Your holy name, and there is no health in our land.

Look down in pity on our people and our land, and shield us from those who seem hell-bent on destroying our country. Send Your Spirit, I beseech You, through the land of Nation, and touch the hearts of all those who are called by Your name to intercede on our behalf. Convict those who are causing damage to our infrastructure, and may we, as a nation, turn away from our wicked ways and restore You to Your rightful position of integrity and truth. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

  1. Prayer for An Awakening in Nation
    Thank you, God. Thank you for your tremendous power. We thank you for speaking the truth. We are grateful that you have delivered us from the clutches of sin and death. Would you be with your people, extending your grace, granting them freedom, protecting them, and empowering them with your strength? We ask that you awaken your presence in a way that has never been seen before. We ask that your Name be proclaimed and that all attempts to silence the Name of Jesus be foiled and crushed. We pray that many come to know you as Lord and Savior, that many see your Light, and that you open blind eyes and release those who are still imprisoned. Amen
  2. Prayer For Nation In A Time Of National Crisis
    Dear Father much is going on in our country right now, as we are in the midst of a crisis. The country appears to be on the verge of collapse, and our government appears to have little ability or will to prevent what is about to happen to our country and its people. Lord, there is growing unrest, and we beseech You to guide our country through this trying time.
  3. Lord, we pray for all those in positions of authority in our country, asking that You lead and guide their decisions in this time of crisis. We ask that those in positions of leadership be given the wisdom and ability to deal with everything that is looming on the home front right now. Give them the grace to govern according to Your will, and may they be led not by self-interest, greed, or party politics, but rather to lead our nation onto the path of peace and safety that only You can provide.
  4. Protect all those who are at risk, suffering from a lack of resources, or fearful of what is happening in this time of national crisis. May we, as a people, band together under Your banner of truth to support and encourage one another as we face this national crisis as one nation under God. Amen.
  5. A Prayer The Nation Future
    Yes, make us a great nation. More than that, Lord, make us good with a heartbeat that longs for every person of every creed and color to know Your love, goodness, and worth. Make us as wise as serpents while remaining as gentle as doves. Turn our fears into faith as we look to You and You alone for our country’s future. Give us God’s assurance that no matter what happens, we will believe You are not only in control, but also know exactly what is required to achieve Your goal. Assist us in not second-guessing Your moves, but in acting at Your command, always without hesitation.
  6. Forgive us for wanting our own way and carving our own paths, which are often the ones with the least resistance. Forgive us for straddling the line or completely ignoring the truths that can so easily set us free. Deliver us from mindless squabbles and journeys that take us nowhere but away from You. Free us from division, and soften our hardened hearts to love rather than hate in the name of Jesus,
  7. Prayer For the Elected Government to Make Sound Decisions
    We come before You in sorrow, Loving Lord and Judge of all Nations, knowing that our once great nation has fallen into such a sad and sorry state of repair. We beseech You to revive and restore us, for we have no one else to turn to but You.
  8. Guide the governors, legislators, sheriffs, and all those in positions of power at all levels of government, both local and national. Give them grace and wisdom to lead our nation away from the path of destruction and toward the path of God, in Whom we put our trust.
  9. Lord, we know that when a nation turns its back on You, it has strayed from the path of liberty. We ask that You, in Your grace and patient loving-kindness, restore us to the place where You are honored in this land so that we can once again be a free people.
  10. Forgive us for our folly in deviating from the path of truth and onto this perilous path to destruction. Forgive us for not putting You in Your rightful place in the governance of our nations, and may we return to You, both individually and nationally. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
  11. Prayer for The President Of The United States.
    Dear God of the heavens, King of all nations, and Governor of all peoples, we lift up our President to You today, because You have commanded all Your people to pray fervently for kings, presidents, rulers, and leaders of nations.
  12. Lord, we know that You place leaders in positions of power and authority and remove leaders from those positions as You see fit, and we also know that You give nations the leaders they deserve. Lord, we bring our President to You, knowing that many people in our country are concerned about the decisions he and those around him are making on our behalf. Lord, we know that You have the power to change the hearts of all men who are willing to follow You and that You also use the mistakes of kings and rulers to advance Your own sovereign plans and purposes.
  13. We ask that You change our President’s heart into one of discernment and wisdom, as well as the courage to prioritize God’s honor and the cause of Christ Jesus in his decisions and actions so that we can restore You to Your rightful place at the helm of our once-great nation.
  14. Fulfill now, O Lord, the plans You have for our President and our country. We pray that Your sovereign will for our nation be fulfilled in our land and that we may cry, “Your will be done.” In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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