HomeNews"Pastor Poju Oyemade shares the fundamentals of understanding how to be led...

“Pastor Poju Oyemade shares the fundamentals of understanding how to be led by God.”

Pastor Poju Oyemade recently took to Twitter to discuss the basics of understanding how to be led by God. He declared that the simplest way to do this is to under the role of the conscience as a tool used by the Holy Spirit to distinguish right from wrong.

“It starts with your conscience which is a tool the Holy Spirit uses to guide you on issues that are right or wrong morally speaking, distinguishing between good and evil. It either approves or reproves you when you want to make a decision. Everyday this occurs and that’s the voice of your spirit within which should never be disobeyed, he wrote.

According to the Senior Pastor of The Covenant Nation, following God’s guidance involves more than just knowing good from bad. He referred to the story of Balaam in Numbers 24:13, “If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the commandment of God to do either good or bad of mine own mind” to illustrate the importance of grasping the deeper aspects of God’s guidance and acting in according.

“However being led by the Spirit goes beyond the first level. There are things that may be good but they are not divine. Balaam made it clear being led by God goes beyond distinguishing between what is good or bad. It’s about picking up what is on the mind of God and acting according to that,”

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