HomeChristian prayersShield Yourself with These 7 Morning Prayers for Protection

Shield Yourself with These 7 Morning Prayers for Protection

As individuals living in a fallen world, we can often be afraid or worried about our safety. With violence and shootings at an all-time high, it is not surprising that we are trying to cling to something for protection. Something that we need to make sure we are doing is that we are not clinging to someone else for our protection or a false sense of security. Instead, we need to cling to the Lord and find our protection in Him.

When we are struggling to find protection, we can find comfort and solace in Jesus. Jesus is in control of all things and we can trust Him. Just as the winds and oceans obey Him, so does everything else in all creation (Matthew 8:23-27). This includes angels, demons, and the devil. We never need to fear for our safety because we are held closely in the palm of the Lord’s hand.

There will still be many scary things to happen, but we are always under the protection of the Lord. While we will all experience death, we will be taken safely to Heaven through the Lord’s protection. We belong to the Lord—nobody or nothing else can try to harm us. As believers in the Lord, we will go to Heaven when we pass away and for the present time, we will be kept guarded by the Lord’s amazing grace.

As we are relying on the Lord, it is also important to pray for protection each morning. By doing this, we can shield ourselves through the power of prayer as well as acknowledge our dependence on Jesus. If you want to start today, here are 7 morning prayers for protection that you can shield yourself with today.

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