HomeSermon & devotion7 Sermon Topics You’ll Want to Preach in 2024

7 Sermon Topics You’ll Want to Preach in 2024

Preaching year after year can be a daunting part of pastoring. You may be asking yourself, “What do I preach next year?” “How can I get ahead in my sermon preparation?” “What are the sermon topics that my church needs to hear in the coming year?” No matter the questions, you can never plan too early. We have created a list of 7 sermon topics you’ll want to preach in 2024 to help you plan and prepare. As you get ready for the upcoming year, use this list to make your planning easier!

  1. The Words of Jesus
    There is no better subject than Jesus! He shared so much wisdom during his ministry here on earth, and it’s all available to us in the Gospels. You can take verses like these, break them down for your congregation, and help them apply them to their lives today:

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” (Matthew 6:33, NLT)
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6, NLT)
You can find a more detailed list here.
The words of Jesus are relevant no matter what time or place you are living in, so it’s a great preaching topic for all churches from all places and ages. There was no person to walk this earth who was more influential and life-changing than Jesus, so this is a great topic to revisit year after year with your church.

  1. Spiritual Disciplines
    Salvation is a free gift, but discipleship is not free. It comes at a price. We must sacrifice things in our lives to develop and establish spiritual disciplines in our day to day. Prayer, Bible reading, and worship are important aspects of our lives as disciples of Jesus. Your church is probably full of people who have been Christians for years and those who are new to the faith. No matter what experience a person may have, everyone can grow in the area of spiritual disciplines. Include this one as you consider what sermon topics you’ll want to preach in 2024. For those new to Jesus, a series about spiritual disciplines will help them grow in those areas as they discover who they are in Christ.

The people who have been with Jesus will know that spiritual zeal can come and go, but the only way to keep it going is to develop healthy disciplines. When you spend time in prayer or worship at times that you’re not “feeling it”, things grow and develop in you. Henri Nouwen said, “It is precisely in times of spiritual dryness that we must hold on to our spiritual discipline so that we can grow into new intimacy with God.”

  1. Fear and Anxiety
    So many of us watched in shock and confusion as our world shifted drastically in 2020. So many things changed, evolved, and developed in our society. As a result, people began reporting higher rates of fear and anxiety than ever before. While many pastors have been covering this subject for the last couple of years, if you haven’t yet engaged in this topic with your church, now is a great time to start. When you think about sermon topics you’ll want to preach in 2024, make this a significant consideration for the overall health and growth of the people in your church!
  2. Marriage, Family, and Relationships
    Along with increased fear and anxiety, 2020 also exposed many unhealthy families and relationships. God cares deeply about our marriages and our families. Marriage and family was His idea! Marriages need restoration, families need reconciliation, and healthy friendships must be built and developed. Therefore, one of the most beneficial sermon topics you’ll want to preach in 2024 would be on marriage, family, and relationships.
  3. Generosity & Finances
    Money is an important subject. There is an earthly way to view money and a heavenly way to approach money. You can help your church grow in healthy finances by discussing it in 2024! You can talk about tithing and why it’s significant. Many of us can grow in generosity, and healthy management of our finances is vital to our overall growth and development as Christ followers. Don’t let these topics become taboo. Talk about them.
  4. Gratitude and Thankfulness
    With the growth of anxiety in our world, we’ve also learned about the power of gratitude and thankfulness. One of the many solutions to anxiety is gratitude. When we are thankful for what we have in our lives, it silences the voices that tell us that our lives are less than or inadequate. In this article we see that “studies have found that a single act of thoughtful gratitude produces an immediate 10% increase in happiness and a 35% reduction in depressive symptoms.” If psychologists acknowledge gratitude as a powerful tool, how much more effective is it for us as believers? When we have nothing else, we have Jesus. Think about verses like, “The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need.” (Psalm 23:1, NLT)
  5. Reaching lost people
    Romans 10:14 says, “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” If we don’t tell others about Jesus, they won’t know him. We are responsible for sharing Jesus with those in our neighborhoods, families, workplaces, schools, restaurants, grocery stores, parks, libraries, and even our homes. Your church can be known for how great it worships, how great you preach, and how great your children’s ministry is, but if you aren’t out there telling others about Jesus, you’re missing a key responsibility for each of us.

Jesus said in Mark 16:15, “​​Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” What is the biggest reason that most people struggle to do this? 1. They don’t know how. 2. They’re nervous or afraid to. So, when you think about what sermon topics you’ll want to preach in 2024, this should be high on your list!

Your church can grow numerically, but I would encourage you to consider one major thing, “Are the people in my church growing in their walk with Jesus?” As you plan the sermon topics you’ll want to preach in 2024, keep that question in your mind. What are the things that your church desperately needs to hear next year? Are there opportunities to help disciple them and see them grow? How can you make the most of those moments? Ultimately, these topics are a suggestion, but there is very little that’s more beneficial than spending time in prayer. God will reveal to you the topics you’ll want to preach in 2024. He’ll show you what your congregation needs most.

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