HomeFaith8 Prayers Hacks To Try When You Don’t Feel Like Praying

8 Prayers Hacks To Try When You Don’t Feel Like Praying

What Are The Things You Can Do When You Do Not Feel Like Praying?

There are ways we can trick ourselves into performing spiritual exercises when our minds or bodies do not seem to be in the mood.

  1. Set An Alarm
    Since we know that sleep is one major factor that robs us of quality devotional time, setting an alarm is a proven effective way to shake off sleep whilst training your body to adjust to your prayer plans. With time, your body clock is trained to wake up at that time. Set a prayer alarm now.
  2. Get A Worship Playlist.
    Playing songs that create an ambience and charge your atmosphere is a smart way of tuning your mind towards a fervent prayer session.
  3. Come With A Song.
    What’s your favourite song? There must be a song that always works. Perhaps a worship song which easily triggers you in a positive way. A song that never gets old to you.
  4. Reminisce and Mention.
    When you can’t seem to find motivation or faith strong enough to pray, try remembering and listing the things you are grateful for. This stirs up gratitude and gingers up your faith for prayers.
    Think of all the good things He did. Remember how he delivered you. Remember that good news that made you happy and showed you how real God is. Remind Him of those experiences, thise answered prayers and achievements he gave you. It sets the mood.
  5. Start With A “Thank You Jesus”.
    Keep saying it, it doesn’t matter if your mind is distracted, it would eventually align.
  6. Tongues
    This is one of the biggest advantages a believer has. It takes care of things your mind is not thinking about but your spirit knows because of the Holy Spirit witnessing in you. Remember we are spirits. (Rom.8.26 ) Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
  7. Link up with The Brethren.
    Try as much as possible to be connected and be under a Godly atmosphere. It is good to recharge. There is power and grace in the presence of God because whenever we gather in His name He is there. The enemy hates it. Our connection automatically generates power. Our power multiplies whenever we meet or agree. That is why the Bible says when we agree over a thing it is established. One shall chase a thousand and two shall put ten thousand to flight. How about three or more?
  8. Listening to Inspiring Messages.
    This would also inspire you to pray. This is like channelling the whole service to yourself alone.

Sometimes it is good to vary our prayer patterns and creatively draw inspiration as we seek to build ourselves spiritually.

Which methods have worked for you in times when you had challenges with spiritual exercises? Let us know in the comment section.

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