HomeChristian prayers15 Powerful Prayers for Mothers to Celebrate Them This Mother’s Day and...

15 Powerful Prayers for Mothers to Celebrate Them This Mother’s Day and Every Day

We will look at 15 powerful prayers for mothers that you can pray in this article. These prayers will help you cover your mother and inspire your time with God. Moms are some of the most wonderful people we know. Personally, I was fortunate to have a wonderful mother. She has done so much for the entire family.

And, let’s face it, being a mother is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. You’re a mother 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can’t clock out of being a mother. “When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.”

As a result, I believe that praying for mom is an excellent way to express your gratitude and love for her. You can pray about anything, from asking God for strength or assistance with difficult decisions to thanking Him for how much He has blessed you because she has been there for you every step of the way.

Whatever the reason, I believe it is critical that we protect our mothers. But, before we begin, I always like to go over some written prayer tips.

Tip for Praying for Mothers
True and powerful prayer originates in the heart. It’s fine to recite someone else’s prayers, but if they’re not heartfelt and personal, you’re just saying empty words to the Lord. When you pray, God wants you to get personal.

This is how I like to look at it. When you receive a birthday card with only a signature. You don’t think much of it. Even if the manufacturer composes a lovely poem about it.

However, if you receive a birthday card in which someone has written a personal birthday blessing or prayer. This suddenly means something to you. It comes from someone else’s heart to yours. That is also how prayer works. God wishes to communicate with your heart.

This is not to say that written prayers are worthless. All it means is that you want to pray in such a way that you are emotionally connected to your prayer. Here are some pointers for doing so with written prayers.

Personalize and be specific: I don’t know much about your mother, but you do! Include those specifics in your prayers. For instance, if your mother is away. Don’t just say a generic prayer for safe travels; instead, tell her about her journey with the Lord.
It is acceptable to dawdle in prayer: Take advantage of any extra time you have. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind or highlight something for which you should pray for your mother.
Pray with her: If possible, ask your mother to join you in prayer. This can be a powerful time of connection for you and your mother. Furthermore, the Bible states that when two or more are gathered, He is present.
God’s Opinion about Mothers
God says a lot about mothers. He holds mothers in high regard for their unique contribution to the world. Without a mother, Jesus would not have been born! Exodus 20:12, which is also one of the Ten Commandments, contains one of the most well-known verses about parenting:

Powerful Night Prayer for Protection and Healing
How do you pay tribute to your mother? Do you see her as a burden or as someone of great worth, glorious dignity, and honorable worth? How can we bless and honor our mothers in the way that God commands in Exodus? Praying for our mothers is one of the best ways we can honor them.

15 Powerful Prayers for Mothers
When we know that others are praying for us, we are greatly encouraged. We can express our love and appreciation by sending a letter or a text message. We can also send a heartfelt prayer to our mothers. Here are 15 prayers for moms that we can say to lift them up. You can download a free printable with these prayers at the end of this post to use as a Mother’s Day gift or a special gesture of love any time of year.

  1. Prayer of Blessing for my Mother
    Lord, today I pray a blessing prayer for my mother. As she puts her trust in you, shower her with your blessings every day. Please multiply her blessings and meet all of her needs. I hope that my family and I can continue to shower her with love and support. Amen.
  2. A Hedge of Protection
    Lord, I lift up my mother to You and ask that You surround her with a protective hedge. Safeguard her spirit, body, mind, and emotions from harm. I ask for protection from accidents, injuries, and all forms of abuse. I pray that You will protect her with Your arms and allow her to seek refuge in the shadow of Your wings. Hide her from any evil that comes her way and open her eyes to any danger. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  3. Prayer of Thanksgiving for my Mother
    Lord, I am grateful to you for my mother. Thank you for bringing her into my life and for the blessing she is to my family and me. Thank you for the godly wisdom she has bestowed upon me. Words cannot express my heartfelt gratitude for her beauty and spiritual influence on my life. Please keep blessing her and surrounding her with your grace and favor. Amen.
  4. Prayer for Tired Moms
    Father in Heaven, I support Mom. I know her soul yearns for You. I know she can only thrive when she seeks You with all her heart, but she’s battle-weary and bone tired right now. She believes she is on the losing end of the battle she is fighting. Lord Jesus, help her seek you in the midst of the mundane and transform those moments of seeking into glory-filled moments of delight. With your renewing hand, touch her spirit. 5 Prayer for Strength During Difficult Times
    Being a mother can be physically, mentally, and emotionally draining at times. Give her the peace that comes with surrendering to You. Take her to the still waters. Assist her in remaining calm and knowing that You are her God and that You will fight for her. Restore her spirit through the touch of Your Holy Spirit. Bring her tired bones back to life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
  5. Prayer for Expectant Mothers
    Lord, I pray for pregnant women all over the world. I ask that you keep their children safe in their wombs while they wait for their arrival. Thank you for the joy they will feel as they prepare for the birth of their children. Calm their minds and strengthen their bodies as they strive to instill wisdom and truth in their children. Amen.
  6. A Prayer for Peace for My Mom
    I thank You, Father God, every time I think of her. As I lift up my mother to You today, I ask that You help her to be worry-free and to bring everything to You. Give her a thankful heart as she makes her requests known to You. Give her Your peace, Father God, that surpasses all comprehension, and keep her heart and mind safe in Christ Jesus. Leave her with the peace You have given her, not the peace of the world, but Your peace that surpasses all comprehension. Remove her heart’s troubles and assist her in not being afraid. As she seeks You, remind her that You will answer her and deliver her from all her worries and fears. In the name of Jesus. Amen
  7. Prayer for New Mothers
    Bless all new mothers everywhere, Lord. You have blessed them with the gift of a new life to care for. Please give them the grace and wisdom they need to be the best mothers possible. Surround them with seasoned and experienced mothers who can help them grow as new mothers and in their walk with you. Give them the strength and encouragement they require on a daily basis. Amen.
  8. Prayer for Longevity
    Please, Father, Miracle-Worker, grant my mother a long and happy life. She is adored and has taught us so much about Your goodness. Please grant her a life full of blessings and time to spend with all of us in return. Please give her fresh mornings, peaceful nights, and a strong body to get her through. May she live boldly in her community and among her family. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
  9. Prayer for Mothers who are Grieving
    Lord, I pray for bereaved mothers. Whether they are grieving the loss of a friend, family member, or a precious child, console them with the strength and comfort that only you can provide. Be ever-present with them during this difficult time, and remind them every day of your unending love for them. Amen.
  10. Prayer of Mentoring
    Father Lord, You have given me a mother who guides me on this earth. She has taught me the difference between right and wrong and the value of Your name. She has made every effort to demonstrate agape love to me, and her love has been pure and unconditional. Please keep her in your prayers for the rest of her days. Keep us close, assisting each other in growing and learning. Show me how to be there for her and support her. Put the right words in my mouth so that I can assist her while respecting her dignity and independence. Amen. Powerful Encouragement Prayer for a Friend
  11. Prayer for Mothers to Grow in Faith
    Lord, by the power of your word, strengthen the faith of all mothers. Help them to put their hope and trust in you, and to pray to you every day. As they spend time studying your word, help them to grow in their faith. As they read the Bible and gain wisdom and knowledge, illuminate the truth of your scriptures. Amen.
  12. Prayer of Gratitude
    Your gifts, Jesus, my Righteous Savior, are plentiful and magnificent. Thank You for giving me my mother. She is selfless and compassionate. She is sweet and caring. She is tenacious and determined. She has taught me so many valuable lessons and guided me through all of life’s difficulties. I hope to one day be like my mother and to always express my gratitude for her indispensable presence in my life. Amen. I ask this in Your powerful name.
  13. Prayer for Mothers of Adult Children
    I pray for the mothers of adult children, Lord. Even though their children have grown up, they will always love them. Assist them in being supportive of their adult children as they interact and socialize with one another. May their relationships deepen and provide them with the wisdom to know how to best love and support their children as they grow into adults. Amen.
  14. Prayer for My Mother to Know She is Loved
    Lord of Never-Failing Love, I feel compelled to seek You. May my mother always know how much I love her as I move through life and leave my past behind. May she be reminded that she, too, is a God’s child whom You adore. May she know how much we appreciate her joy, compassion, and lessons. May she always remember her place in our hearts and Yours, regardless of the season or distance between us. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
  15. Prayer for Mothers of Prodigal Children
    Lord, I pray for mothers who are suffering as a result of a prodigal child. Accept them into your loving arms, and may they find comfort and strength in you. Assist them in not giving up on their children and instead patiently waiting for them to return home. Remind them that you haven’t given up on them and that you love their children unconditionally. May she lean on you every day as she unconditionally loves her children. Amen.
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